Yes.... unfortunately it is true. It was over 80 degrees down here in Florida. We were sitting outside with our family Christmas day, and everyone was so hot!
I was looking forward to a nice and cool Christmas, Well... God had other plans so you can't do anything about that now can ya'?
I am so wanting to move up north, and so is the family. It would be hard to leave friends and family, but there is just something about the country, and farm life that I have always been drawn to. Who knows what the future has in store for us?!
Prepare for pictures!!!
PROOF, that was hot around Christmas time. Here is baby sister Kate playing in the sprinklers CHRISTMAS EVE!
Here is Lauren's big Christmas present! Yep, you guessed it, A big ol' tree house! Woo hoo!
Good ol' Dad putting rails up. Good thing he is too, I got Lauren a camping set for Christmas and she wants to SLEEP up there now. I bet you can guess how Mom is feeling about that... :)
A HUGE suitcase size beading tote for bajillions of beads! This was one of my favorite gifts. The inside is ever better! :) :) :)
Here is.... Let's see if you can guess!
Hope you all had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!