Hi Everyone!
Here is me not blogging again! :) Life has been CrAzY, I have been doing so much I cannot even keep track of it all anymore! It is kind of sad really, I have noticed that I have not been reading as much as I used to, we are such big readers in this house and to know that I am not reading as much is pretty sad! So I have been MAKING myself read a lot more, and have been enjoying myself a lot more! Currently I am reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
I have gone through about half way once when I was younger and could not really get through it. Even though many young ladies enjoy this story, you forget that it is written more adult like. So I am almost finished and I am enjoying it VERY much! It made me think, WOW, I must be growing up if I am enjoying this book and getting through it quickly, it was not too long ago when I said that I could NOT read this book anymore! :)
I have had a pretty fair amount of jewelry orders, so that is always a wonderful thing! When you are being trained to be a maker at home, it is truly amazing to find a hobby that you are passionate about, and that you are turning a profit from home! I am really excited about this, and I am hoping that it grows into something wonderful!!!
There is my update! I have so much to write about, but SO LITTLE TIME!
Blessings to Everyone!