Sunday, July 13, 2008


Hi everyone! I have FINALLY taken some pictures of my bracelets for my Blog! Here are some samples of what I do. These are all in my Etsy store online. This is a lot of fun for me and I enjoy doing it very much! The light green bracelet "peridot" bracelet is actually the birthstone for August. What a GREAT birthday present this would make for somebody!!! Well I hope you enjoy the pictures, sorry it took me so long to put them on! Also, the very first picture is 3 different anklets all together.

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Maria said...

Those bracelets are beautiful! Keep up the lovely work. :D

Sloan said...

Thank you!!!

Steph C. said...

Gorgeous! Man, you've got it goin' on woman.

Anonymous said...

They are so pretty!!! Call me and we'll catch up