Saturday, September 29, 2007

Tiger's Lizard~

This is Tiger's lizard. If you are at my main blog page you can see a picture of her that I posted on the left hand side. In our living room we have a window and on both sides of the windows there are two long strips of glass. ONLY at night this cute little guy comes out AND IT DRIVES TIGER BONKERS!!!!!! Tiger stands just below the glass strip and watches him like a HAWK! Sometimes she even trys to jump and catch her. TIGER DOES NOT GET that the lizard is on the OUTSIDE of the glass. I even picked up Tiger and rubbed her paw against the glass to show her that she could not catch the lizard but the dumb cat doesn't get it. Lol. Poor Tiges she hurts herslef trying to get that lizard so BAD!!! I guess she is never going to get it. I must admit it IS HILARIOUS TO WATCH!!!!!! :o)