Tuesday, August 7, 2007

TOONFEST 2007!!!!!

This is me racing against 3 other people on a racing game on Toontown! I had a lot of fun racing. My Dad was also racing me too. So it was me my Dad and two other kids. I WON THE RACE WOOOO HOOOO!!! Mom was proud of me. Before my Dad and I raced I told him that I was going to Whoop him. HE SAID TO ME NOT A CHANCE! I got my HAHA at the end! lol :) See my cute little Toontown tatoo on my left shoulder! It looks just like Ginger Poppenberry! (That's my toon's name).

TOONFEST WOO HOO!! We had a fabulous lunch in "Goofy's gag Shop". I had a hot dog, ribs, potato salad, pasta salad, and something else I can't remember. After lunnch we decided to get up on stage and compete in a Toontown Trivia game in front of like maybe 100 people. You can't see them in this pic but trust me they were there! First round I ANSWERED AND GOT IT RIGHT! Second round Dad got it right. But the last round we lost to another family! We still got some GREAT prizes though! The Cars soundtrack, Jump in soundtrack, Rataouille soundtrack, and a Toontown computer mouse! :)
We ended up having a REALLY great time! I got some awesome Toontown stickers and patches they are SO coolio! If you have never played Toontown before you are REALLY missing out big time. Go to: http://www.toontown.com/ GREAT WEBSITE! GET A 3 DAY FREE TRIAL TOO! :o)